Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Piles of Papers!

It's fall! Okay not really but it feels like it around here at the moment. We've had the windows open, puffy vests on..where is August? I will be the first to admit it, I don't mind. I like fall, it's my favorite season, and this weather makes me want to cookout and watch football. It also makes me think of school.

With only a few weeks left of vacation I have officially stopped my 'summer mind' and have gone back into planning mode. My dear husband has lost his 'summer wife' which he lovingly refers to me as during my time off work. I do feel guilt about not being able to dedicate as much time to the house, the hubs, and my daughter during the school year, which is probably why I try to make it up during the summer. Regardless, I love teaching and have great faith that at some point in my career I'll find a happy balance!

Now, why call this post piles of paper? Well, let me tell you! My partner teacher and I like to end the school year by sending as much stuff to our print shop in the district as possible. The goal is to get important and frequently used items copied, made pretty, and returned in time to file them away. Well, the only problem this year is that they wouldn't make our copies until after July 1st (our fiscal year). So this is what I spent the last day doing:

Yeah...this is only 2 tables worth, I had all 5 tables in my classroom covered with items. It was a little overwhelming! I don't like having file cabinets in my room take up space for papers that get used and recycled each year so I use crates instead. Yesterday I spent the time to organize all of this mess into the bins with labeled folders, I feel so much better now! There will still be A LOT of papers coming back for spelling and social studies but this is a good start. 

I also picked up a new planner (and made it sparkly) because I love my iPhone app to share events with the hubs but I am really a paper planner kind of girl. Don't get me wrong, I actually have an electronic planbook through our district:  but something is special about seeing the week in front of me on paper. 

And just to leave you with a fun note on this cool August morning, enjoy this Pin that I found the other day. It makes me giggle and I'm seriously considering hanging it in my classroom somewhere. Have a wonderful Wednesday!


  1. I'm so intrigued - I wanna hear more about the papers you send to the print shop. Do you remake worksheets or recreate things to use for the future? Do you make copies for the following year? So many questions! :)

    I love the feeing of sheer organization. Ahhhh.

    Btw, your pin reminded me A LOT (hehe) of the following blog post...which you've probably already seen, but still makes me giggle too.

  2. Wow, that's "alot" of pages! Love the pin btw :D

  3. We can send anything to our district printshop as long as it isn't copy right material. Any writing rubrics, direction sheets, worksheets, etc that we make we can send to them to get copies on color paper. They take care of all of that. The biggest stack in the one picture are my math packets, teachers worked together to create worksheets for the books that we go through, those packets are everything I'll need for the year, with the exception of one book. We keep the originals and send them back each year, or edit and send back as needed (we always find things to change). I can also email things to them, they will make posters and different things.

    And I LOVE that site ;)
